The programme is addressed to Bachelor Degree holders that come from the Humanities, Social Studies, Sciences, Mathematics or Engineering, ideally with previously gained knowledge in Philosophy or History of Science and/or Logic and History of Logic. The courses of the programme will be in English.
The content of the programme focuses on three main topics:
Knowledge, Science and its History: History and Philosophy of Science & the Humanities History and Philosophy of Science analyses the particular possibilities and manners of past and present knowledge in science and their methods. It explores the conception, the structures of theories and the respective methods of individual sciences with the aim to elaborate epistemic requirements, structural similarities, underlying values and demarcations between science and non- or pseudo-science. It also investigates the genesis and development of scientific knowledge in its cultural and social context, and studies changes of scientific standards in methods and reasoning. The history of technology and environment particularly deals with the dynamics of technological development and the results of application as well as the impact of science and technology on modern societies.
Logic: Philosophical Aspects and Problems of Logic & History of Logic Logic is the investigation of consequence relations, it makes use of formal languages and studies various forms of reasoning. The focus is on the most important systems of formal reasoning such as first-order logic, systems of modal logic, intuitionistic logic, many-valued logics, free logic, substructural logics, paraconsistent logics or connexive logics, and their historical development. Within Philosophy of Logic we are interested in topics such as for instance the paradoxes, logicality, logical pluralism, non-exceptionalism about logics, conceptions of identity, truth and necessity, semantics, metaphysical and logical problems of existence and non-existence, different notions of quantification, conceptions of logical consequence and metaphysical conceptions of possible worlds.
Culture, Ethics & Technology: Science and Logic in Societal Context Research in cultural studies as well as in literature and media studies offers new insights on science as a cultural phenomenon in combination with other cultural practices such as language, literature, art and media. Science & Technology Studies investigate social processes in scientific practices and analyse science as specific social institution in the general social system. In addition, Ethics of Science and Technology is occupied with the problems of responsibility regarding the sciences and technological trends such as digitalization. It offers action orientations based on a normative reflection of the specific possibilities and dangers of scientific knowledge, and helps developing philosophical solutions (e.g., from applied logic) to technological challenges. These fields jointly explore science and logic as a human cultural achievement and as a specifically social phenomenon in the general functional system of society.
In the first year of their studies, students amplify their previous knowledge and gain new basic skills. In the second year, they follow their own main research (at RUB or abroad) or conduct an application-oriented project in a work experience. The MA thesis completes the second year and the MA programme.
During the whole study programme, students develop the representative, communicative and social competences they need for their future jobs in or outside academia.

Photo: ©Ruhr-Universität Bochum

HPS+Logic is an MA programme that is regularly studied over a period of 4 semesters (two years of study).
The first year of the study programme focuses on the extension and consolidation of philosophical, historical and cultural knowledge of the sciences and the humanities as well as knowledge of formal logic and history of logic. Different course prerequisites are balanced. Students are enabled to broaden their previous knowledge and gain new basic skills.
The second year provides opportunities for indepth studies and specialisation. Students extend their gained knowledge and enhance their compentence in various methods of HPS or Logic.They can either follow their own main research (at RUB or abroad) or conduct an application-oriented project in a work experience (e.g. an internship). Thereby students learn how to acquire on their own new knowledge and skills.
During the entire study programme students develop representative, communicative and social competences they need for their future jobs in or outside academia.